Bacillus Subtilis

MOQ : 500 Kilogram

Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier
CFU 1 x 108 per ml
Formulation Aqueous Solution (AS)
Dose 2 ltr per ha
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Store the bottles in a cool and dry place away from direct heat and sunlight.
We can provide a consortium/mixture of various bacteria/fungi/micro organisms as per requirement.
Health Benefits
Nhava Sheva
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L/C, D/P, T/T, Western Union
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Tierra Overseas is manufacturer and supplier of high quality Bacillus subtillis in India.

Bacillus subtilis produces a class of lipopeptide antibiotics including iturins. Iturins help Bacillus subtilis overcome other microorganisms by either killing them or reducing their growth rate. Iturins also have direct fungicidal activity in pathogens. For control of plant disease, product can be applied through foliar application and to the root zone, compost or seed. The bacteria colonizes the developing root system when applied directly to seed, competing with disease organisms that attack root systems. Bacillus subtilis inhibits plant pathogen spore germination, disrupts germ tube growth, and interferes with the attachment of the pathogen to the plant.

Early treatment, preferably right from the beginning of cultivation, is advisable for better results.

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Mode of Action The tolerance towards abiotic and biotic stress factors is improved in the plant because the root system of the plant is strengthened, and hence also the uptake of water and nutrients which results in faster growth and greater dry stress tolerance. In addition, many results indicate that the application of Bacillus subtilis changes the phytohormone balance in the plant in such a manner that greater quantities of reserve substances are incorporated into storage organs.
Benefits of Bacillus subtilis Highly active on root rot and stem rot caused by Schlerotinia, Macrophomia, wilt caused by Verticillium, Fusarium, leaf spot caused by Alternaria, Cercospora,  powdery mildew caused by Erysiphae, black scarf in potato caused by Rhizoctonia, downy mildew and many other bacterial and fungal diseases caused in various crops.
Moreover, the growth promotion leads to the possibility of disease escape, since the plants can grow out of sensitive stages more quickly and enhanced root growth allows a better compensation.
Eco-Friendly Extremely safe to mammals, human beings, animals, natural parasites, predators, non target insects, fishes, birds, etc.
Classified as Class – IV, low hazardous (green label) pesticide. No phytotoxicity and exempted from residue analysis.
Method of Use In case of liquid formulation, shake the bottle well before use. Once a bottle is opened the entire content is to be used at once. This product should not be mixed with any antibacterial agent or any chemical fertilizer.
Recommended for Millets, Oilseeds, Fruits & Vegetables, Coconut, Oil palm, Cotton, Chilly, Lime, Tea, Banana, Flowers, Spices, Contiments, Herbs, Perinnial trees.
Dose 2 ltr per ha
Storage Store the bottles in a cool and dry place away from direct heat and sunlight.
Note We can provide a consortium/mixture of various bacteria/fungi/micro organisms as per requirement.

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